LIFESTYLE GROUP is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). The Responsible Jewellery Council is an organization that has been created to introduce binding standards and responsible, ethical, social and environmental practices in line with human rights throughout the jewellery supply chain to increase customer confidence in the jewellery industry. The Responsible Jewellery Council has not only created a common platform for binding standards for the jewellery supply chain, but also developed a credible control mechanism for responsible business practices via third-party audits. We have committed ourselves to operating only in accordance with these principles of the Responsible Jewellery Council and their Code of Practices.
LIFESTYLE GROUP GmbH is regularly certified by independent auditors according to the Code of Practices of the Responsible Jewellery Council.
The current certificate is available at
Part of this responsibility is our CODE OF CONDUCT, which commits ourselves and our employees to comply with and, in addition, encourage our customers and business partners to also enter into the obligations.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers & Customers
I. Preamble
The actions of LIFESTYLE GROUP and its employees and business partners are based in particular on the values of integrity and fairness. The Code of Conduct is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of LIFESTYLE GROUP and a response to the risks we are exposed to. It contains the essential values, core beliefs and visions of the company and forms the basis of further concrete guidelines and regulations.
The Code of Conduct for Suppliers provides our suppliers with an orientation for action or is intended to avoid undesirable actions. LIFESTYLE GROUP GmbH has imposed compliance with the Code of Conduct as a voluntary commitment. Our suppliers are also required to comply with the following basic rules.
The ethical guidelines described in this Code of Conduct are based in particular on the principles of the UN Global Compact (Annex), the ILO Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination and the OECD Guidelines for International Business.
The following paragraphs II to VI form minimum standards and are intended to prevent situations that can call into question the integrity of this company and their employees.
II. General principles, law and order
The signing company is commits itself to fulfilling its social responsibility in all entrepreneurial activities. The signing company undertakes to observe the applicable laws and other relevant provisions of the countries in which it operates in all business activities and decisions. Business partners must be treated fairly and contracts are adhered to, taking into account changes in the framework conditions.
III. Corruption/Antitrust law/Forced labour/Child labour
a) Corruption
Dealing with business partners (customers, suppliers) and state institutions strictly separate the interests of the company and the private interests of employees on both sides. Actions and (purchase) decisions are made free of irrelevant considerations and personal interests. The applicable criminal law on corruption must be complied with, and the following must be taken into account:
Offences involving public officials:
The granting of personal benefits (especially cash-based, such as payments and loans including the provision of smaller gifts over a longer period) by the signing company and its employees to public officials (such as civil servants or employees in the public service) with the aim of obtaining advantages for the signing company or itself or third parties are not allowed.
Offences in commercial transactions:
Monetary personal advantages in return for a preference in business transactions may not be offered, promised, granted or approved. Likewise, personal advantages of value may not be demanded or accepted in dealings with business partners. The signing company must impose on its employees that they cannot promise any corresponding benefits. The management and employees of the signing company may not offer, promise, demand gifts, payments, invitations or services in the course of business transactions grant or accept any rights granted with the intention of unduly influencing a business relationship or where there is a risk of to compromise the professional independence of the business partner. This is not the case for gifts and invitations that are part of business-like hospitality, customs and courtesy. The Company may issue a binding policy on accepting and granting gifts, invitations to hospitality and events. Exceptions to this may be made with regard to appropriate low-value and symbolic gifts, appropriate business lunches and appropriate events of the own company as arranged by business partners (customers, suppliers). The policy shall be communicated to LIFESTYLE GROUP and it shall be communicated transparently within the signing company as to existing and potential business partners. The signing company should provide a contact person who can be contacted if employees of the signing company are in a conflict of interest, or they are uncertain whether a conflict of interest exists or could arise..
b) Behaviour towards competitors (antitrust law)
The signing company respects fair competition. Therefore, the signing company complies with the applicable laws that protect and promote competition, esp. the applicable antitrust and other competition laws. In dealing with competitors, these regulations prohibit agreements and other activities that influence prices or conditions, To allocate sales territories or customers or to impede free and open competition in an unlawful manner. These regulations also prohibit collusion between customers and suppliers to restrict the freedom of customers, to determine their prices and other conditions autonomously when reselling (Determination of prices and conditions). Considering that the distinction between prohibited cartels and permissible cooperation can be problematic, the signing company should provide a contact person for its employees who can be contacted in case of doubt.
c) Forced Labour
The signing company rejects any form of forced labour.
d) Child Labour
The signing company complies with the UN regulations on human and children’s rights. The signing company undertakes in particular to comply with the Convention on the minimum age for admission to employment (Convention 138 of the International Labour Organization) and to comply with the Convention on the Prohibition and Immediate Measures for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO Convention 182). Where a national regulation on child labour provides for stricter standards, these shall be observed as a matter of priority.
IV. Principles of Social Responsibility
a) Human Rights
The signing company respects and supports the observance of internationally recognized human rights.
b) Discrimination
The signing company undertakes to oppose any form of discrimination within the scope of applicable laws and regulations. This refers in particular to a disadvantage of employees on the basis of gender, race, disability, ethnic or cultural origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation.
c) Health Protection
The signing company guarantees occupational safety and health protection at work within the framework of national regulations. The signing company supports a continuous development to improve the working world.
d) Fair Working Conditions
The signing company respects the right to freedom of association of its employees within the framework of the applicable rights and laws.
e) Environmental Protection
The signing company is committed to the goal of environmental protection for present and future generations. Laws that have been passed to protect the environment must be observed. The signing company supports environmentally conscious actions of its employees.
f) Trade Secrets
The signing company obliges its employees to respect operating/ and business secrets. Confidential information and confidential documents may not be disclosed to third parties or otherwise made available without authorization, unless a license has been granted or the information is publicly available.
V. Suppliers
The signing company is encouraged to communicate the principles of this Code of Conduct to its immediate suppliers, to promote compliance with its suppliers as much as possible and to encourage them to do so, and also to follow the Code of Conduct. The signing company is also encouraged to recommend its suppliers to request their suppliers to follow the Code of Conduct.
VI. Compliance
The signing company is free to introduce further ethical standards for itself and its employees with higher requirements for ethical action. The signing company undertakes to make its employees aware of the content regulated in this Code of Conduct and the obligations resulting therefrom. The signing company undertakes to ensure that it complies with the principles of this Code of Conduct, in particular by formulating and, where necessary, adapting policies and processes. The signing company must designate a responsible contact person for the LIFESTYLE GROUP for the conduct policy, who can provide binding information on compliance with the conduct policy. The signing company shall take appropriate organizational measures to ensure that the code of conduct is adhered to by the signing company and its management. This is done in particular by introducing and maintaining appropriate controls and plausibility checks.
Sustainability Report 2024 (version 10/2024)
I. Preamble
What kind of world do we want to live in? More and more people are asking themselves this question. It no longer matters where our consumer goods come from and under what conditions a service is provided. The „how, where and at what price“ is increasingly important, especially when there are a number of providers on the market. Then unique selling points count.
LIFESTYLE GROUP is a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). The Responsible Jewellery Council is an organization that was created to establish binding standards and responsible ethical, social and environmental practices in line with human rights throughout the supply chain to increase customer confidence in the industry. The Responsible Jewellery Council has not only created a common platform for binding standards for the supply chain, but also developed a credible control mechanism for responsible business practices via third party audits. We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with the principles of the Responsible Jewellery Council and the Code of Practices.
Part of this responsibility is our CODE OF CONDUCT, which we commit ourselves and our employees to adhere to, and also encourage our customers and business partners also to enter into the commitments. This code of conduct is published on our website:
II. Who we are and what we do
For more than three decades, we have been designing, developing and producing innovative and high-quality products "Made in Germany" for internationally active industrial and commercial companies. We create designs and produce according to customer-specific wishes and ideas. The development of new models with strong sales is carried out by our in-house design department. Smooth, monitored production takes place both in our own production facilities and in close cooperation with competent suppliers.
III. Our Portfolio
Our main field of expertise is the production of complex components and finished products made of metal - products with high precision are produced on state-of-the-art, company-owned CNC machines. Constant high quality is guaranteed by regular internal and external quality controls. Our services include customized concepts from the initial idea to design and production all the way through to handling by our logistics center..
Quality is our priority. Regional networking and good dialogue with clients and cooperation partners are our investment in sustainable corporate management.
IV. Our company in the region and in the world
We rely on our own production and prefer suppliers and cooperation partners from the region. Our clients are international.
V. Dialogue with our stakeholders
In all business relationships, we try to make our influence on a sustainable business policy according to our mission statement. If we find serious deficiencies in our business partners, we strive to support the implementation of positive changes until we reach our documented standard. If this does not succeed in the long term, we will take disciplinary measures that will extend to the dissolution of the business relationship.
In our efforts to continuous improvement of the sustainability of our products we focus on dialogue with our clients. We take identified opportunities for optimization as a reason to develop improvements in sustainability.
VI. Responsibility for nature and the environment
We take our responsibility for nature and the environment seriously, which is why we look at our resource needs and energy consumption. We are actively involved in climate protection. Our goal is to achieve the highest possible economic efficiency under conditions that are as environmentally and climate-friendly as possible.
We are constantly looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact within our processes. Current examples are the concentration of raw material and packaging storage at regional level, to reduce transport routes or the concept planning of a heat recovery system for the use of machine waste heat.
VII. Sustainability Management
We have anchored the topic of sustainability in our company’s structures. Our sustainability strategy is continuously optimized and monitored. Employees are also involved in sustainability development, taking their experience as an opportunity to optimize structural processes, find substitutes, to increase sustainability in the products and in the processing. Positive side effects are often internal developments, which in addition to higher sustainability also achieve significant quality improvements (For example, to avoid adhesives, purely mechanical joining practices have been developed that are not only sustainable, but more efficiently processed and make the compound and thus the product more durable and of higher quality).
VIII. Resource Requirements and Energy Consumption
We conduct regular analyses of our energy efficiency. This has led to significant savings through more efficient lighting, optimization of the machine park and more responsible action in day-to-day business. By purchasing mostly renewable energy, the environmental impact is further reduced.

IX. Water Consumption, Sanitation and Waste Management
We keep statistics on water consumption, waste and sewage which are evaluated to be used for optimization measures. We have increased our recycling rate to over 90% by introducing a deposit system for packaging elements. By installing water treatment systems, the water consumption of our production machines is reduced by 90%, and the amount of waste water is reduced to the same extent.
X. Purchasing, Material Procurement and Consumption/ Supply Chain
The most important raw materials for our production are metals, primarily stainless steel. We prefer to use raw materials from the domestic economy. We want to avoid unnecessary environmental pollution due to long transport routes, and we also want to avoid suppliers with an unsustainable business policy. We follow our Due Diligence Directive for the supply chain.
Furthermore, we comply with the CoC:2017 (Chain of Custody) guidelines, which gives our customers and suppliers the certainty that our products and materials, especially precious metals (gold, silver, palladium) were sourced, tracked and processed through the supply chain. Transparency and trust go hand in hand in the jewellery and watch industry. The Chain of Custody certification, obtained in 2023, is an important milestone on our sustainability journey. It demonstrates our commitment to responsible jewellery and promotes trust in the watch and jewellery supply chain. You must be a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), and audits are conducted to ensure continuous compliance with the Chain of Custody standards.
We aim to select components that are of proven and sustainable origin. The list of prohibited substances is carefully observed.
XI. Responsibility for our Team
We strive to create the best possible working conditions for our employees. We provide occupational safety measures that go beyond the legal level, by, for example, offering regular examinations and tests for pathogens by the company doctor on a voluntary basis. We provide pregnant women with the necessary maternity protection as well as the re-entry into working life. Both full-time and part-time models are possible with us. Internal training measures promote the possible development of our employees and secure our young managers.
XII. Integration, Equality and Diversity
Respect for human rights is of the utmost importance. It is a matter of course for us to prevent any kind of discrimination and to use effective means to combat it. Gender equality is a requirement for us right up to the management level. The self-imposed DUE DILIGENCE HUMAN RIGHTS is part of the self-responsible monitoring for the observance of human rights according to the UN-guidelines as well as the principles and fundamental rights of the International Labour Organization.
Supply Chain Policy
- LIFESTYLE GROUP GmbH (henceforth LSG) is a factory for the production of metal components and finished products in the sector of high-precision machine manufacturing. This policy confirms LSG’s commitment to respect human rights, avoid any contribution to the financing of conflicts and comply with all relevant UN sanctions, resolutions and laws.
- LSG is a certified member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). As such, we undertake to prove through independent third parties’ verification that we:
- Respect for human rights in accordance with the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of the International Labour Organization'.
- Not tolerate bribery, corruption, money laundering or financing of terrorism
- Support the transparency of government payments and legal practices of the mineral industry
- Do not provide direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups
- Enable stakeholders to voice concerns about our supply chain
- Implement the OECD’s 5-step risk-based due diligence system for responsible supply chains of conflict minerals and high-risk areas as a management process
- We also commit to use our influence to prevent abuse by others. Here is a complaint system available, which allows outsiders (customers or victims of abuse) to submit a complaint: This is done by email to, call +49 89 370 735 0
or anonymously by letter to LIFESTYLE GROUP GmbH, Beschwerde-Management, Erfurter Str. 3, D-85386 Eching. We will investigate all indications and use our influence to remedy any irregularities. First, by seeking dialogue with the relevant company management, if necessary, through sanctions such as embargoes or public notices. - With regard to serious abuses in connection with the extraction, we will not tolerate, benefit from, contribute to, support or facilitate the transport or trade of gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones:
- Torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
- Forced or compulsory labour
- The worst forms of child labour
- Human rights violations
- War crimes, violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide
- We will immediately stop working with upstream suppliers if we recognize a reasonable risk that they commit the abuses described in 4 or are associated with a party committing such abuses.
- In relation to direct or indirect support of non-state armed groups, we only sell or buy gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gems, which are fully compliant with the Kimberley Process Certification scheme. We do not tolerate direct or indirect support of non-state armed groups (including but not limited to gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones, to assist or equip armed groups or their affiliates by performing illegal acts such as
- Upstream actors in the supply chain, who control mine locations, transport routes, points where gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones are traded
- Control or extortion of money or gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones at mine sites along the transport routes or in places, containing gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones, are traded by brokers, export companies or international traders.
- We will immediately stop working with upstream suppliers if we recognize a reasonable risk that they originate from or are associated with one of the parties, direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups as described in paragraph 6.
- With regard to public or private security forces, we affirm that the role of public or private security forces is to provide safety for workers, facilities, equipment and property in accordance with the rules of applicable laws, including the law guaranteeing human rights. We will not directly or indirectly support public or private security forces that commit abuse as described in paragraph 4 or act illegally as described in paragraph 6.
- In relation to bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gems we will not offer bribes, promise, give or demand and will resist the invitation to offer bribes, to conceal or disguise the origin of gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones, or misrepresented taxes, fees and royalties, which have been paid to governments for these purposes for the extraction, trade, handling, transport and export of gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gems.
- With respect to money laundering, we will support efforts to eliminate money laundering and contribute where we identify an appropriate risk arising from trading, the handling, transport or export of gold / precious metals / diamonds / colored gemstones result or is associated with it
Signed / Approved: Florian Metz (CEO)
Effective Date: 01.04.2021
Last Revision Date: 21.10.2024
Annual Supply Chain Due Diligence Report
In accordance with the RJC COP certification, we hereby publish the annual Supply Chain Due Diligence Report according to Step 5 OECD.
We have ensured that our supply chain policy meets the requirements of the COP standard and covers at least all risks from Annex II of the OECD Guidelines:
- Serious human rights violations related to the extraction, trade and transport of minerals
- Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups
- Direct or indirect support for public or private security forces that are illegal
- Control of mine sites, transport routes and upstream actors
- Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of materials
- or taxes, fees and royalties paid to governments.
The regular monitoring of the policies is carried out by our management and updated as necessary (for example, when procurement practices change). When drawing up supply contracts, the main features of the guidelines are taken into account as a condition. Terms and conditions of purchase that violate these guidelines are not accepted. Business partners for our procurement are subject to regular controls. We contact our suppliers, have our code of conduct confirmed and ask them about the origin and production method or the way in which the goods are obtained. The entire supply chain should be traceable and comply with our rules. All documents and results of procurement practices and risk analysis are stored according to local retention periods.
If we identify potential risks (marked as RED FLAG), we will track them according to our guidelines, work on eliminating existing non-conformities or, where appropriate, use the Internet to address any non-conformity. Recognized RED FLAGs are also re-tested for conformity within 6 months after the non-conformities have been removed.
No RED FLAGS were identified in the current reporting period.
Signed / Approved: Florian Metz (CEO)
Date of publication: 25.10.2024